Rubus plants in our program include blackberries and raspberries. Rubus plants are virus tested upon arrival and then introduced into tissue culture by meristemming. Plants are tested again for pathogens before being released.
Rubus Pathogen Tests:
Apple mosaic virus (ApMV)
Arabis Mosaic Virus (ArMV)
Beet Pseudo-Yellow Virus (BPYV)
Black raspberry necrosis virus
Blackberry Chlorotic Ring Spot Virus (BCRV)
Blackberry leaf mottle virus (BlMaV)
Blackberry vein banding associated virus (BVBaV)
Blackberry Virus E (BVE) (BlVE)
Blackberry Virus F (BlVF)
Blackberry Virus Omega
Blackberry Virus S (BVS) (BlVS)
Blackberry Virus X (BVX) (BlVX)
Blackberry Virus Y (BVY) (BlVY)
Blackberry Virus Z (BVZ) (BlVZ)
Blackberry Yellow Vein-associated Virus (BYVaV)
Cherry Leafroll Virus (CLRV)
Cherry Raspberry Leaf Virus (CRLV)
Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus
Peach Rosette Mosaic Virus (PRMV)
Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus (RBDV)
Raspberry latent virus
Raspberry Latent Virus (RpLV)
Raspberry leaf mottle virus
Raspberry Ringspot DNA Virus (RpRSV)
Rubus Chlorotic Mottle Virus (RuCMV)
Rubus yellow net virus
Rubus Yellow Net Virus (RYNV)
Sowbane mosaic virus (SoMV)
Strawberry Latent Ringspot (SLRSV)
Strawberry Necrotic Shock Virus (SNSV)
Tobacco Ring Spot Virus (TRSV)
Tomato Black Ring Virus (TBRV)
Tomato Ring Spot Virus (ToRSV)
Xylella fastidiosa